Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Blog Assignment #1: New Topographics

Blog Assignment #1: New Topographics

Man Made Landscapes

Blog Assignment #2: The Expressive Body

How do you express yourself (body) in the world (space) around you?

How do you use your body to express yourself?

Are you an exhibitionist who wants to shock others, or do you keep yourself hidden away from the public?

Do you dance, contort, or live as a docile creature, contemplating the world around you?

Express any or all of these ideas in five photographs.

                                                              Jen Davis, Self-Portraits 

Sam Taylor-Wood, Bram Stoker's Chair

Haley Jane Samuelson, Another Room

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Somebody once told me...

Someone Once Told Me...

Someone Once Told me...

Someone once told me...

Blog Assignment #1: New Topographics

For this blog assignment, create five photographs that show the landscape altered by man.  What does the contemporary american landscape look like? How is our landscape today different from Ansel Adams' landscapes of the early 20th Century? 

Stephen Shore 

Sze Tsung Leong, History Images

Edward Burtynsky, Oil