Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Artist Critique: John Paul Caponigro's "Wake"

I was immediately drawn to the “Wake” series by John Paul Caponigro. I love that these images are both beautiful and thought provoking. They all make me wonder what created the movement and what it looks like the camera missed by only a couple of seconds. The use of color and symmetry is great and draws me into the photograph. I also want to know about the process and how he came up with this idea. The images are captivating and this is definitely a series I would hang on my wall.

Artist Critique - John Paul Caponigro's "Exhalation"

After looking through all of the artists we were given to chose to write a critique on, I decided to do mine on John Paul Caponigro's work "Exhalation". What drew me to these images was the fact that they all seemed to have a life to each of them. To me, they seem like two of the necessities we need to live, water and air, combined to create a very surreal and otherworldly feeling to them. Another thing that I really enjoyed about all of the images was that all of the light, airy, cloud-like designs all each had their own shapes and patterns to them in each image, yet they were all consistent because each of the shapes and patterns were created from the same objects. So not only did this keep it consistent, it kept you visually interested and curious. I felt all of the patterns made from all of these cloud-like objects gave a sense of awe and wonder because not only are they in interesting shapes, but the lightness of them all. In my eyes, they all had a refreshing feel to them, and that was something I quite enjoyed.

Blog Assignment #6: Childhood Memories

For this blog assignment, create five photographs that reflect memories from childhood.  
These memories can be yours alone, generic memories, or the memories of others. 

Think about how memories change with time--they often become warped, twisted, and distorted, like any good story that becomes transformed in the telling.  

Anna Gaskell, Wonder 

Simen Johan, Evidence of Things Unseen 

Roger Ballen, Shadow Chamber 

Artists Critique

I chose to critique Richard Misrach "On the Beach". At first I thought the pictures were beautiful seascapes of the sea with a little twist here and there. Than with the birdseye view of the beach with all of the people I was really kind of surprised by the angle it looked really cool. Than with the pictures that were of people alone on the beach, I thought they were really lonely, I felt like they were abandoned or lost at sea. It kind of was a "downer". BUT I do really like his approach to showing different angles or views from what you normally see of beaches. They are very well composed and very well lit.

Artist Critique

I have chosen to critique John Paul Caponigro's Reflections album. Some of them look like they are just taken from the shore line, but other's look like you could be underwater looking at a storm of sorts. I was drawn to these photographs because this is something that I always look at when I am near water. I wanted to add one of the photographs but from the website you get a pdf file trying to save an image you get the whole document. So hopefully you have taken a look at the Reflections album and admired his photographs like I did.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blog Assignment #5: The Experience of Place/Space

Can the experience of a place or space transport you to other worlds or states of mind?
Can an exterior landscape illustrate interior thoughts or ideas? 
 Can a place or space convey emotion in the viewer? 

Create five photographs that change the experience of a place or space for the viewer. 
What do your eyes see that mine cannot? 

Hiroshi Sugimoto, Seascapes 

John Paul Caponigro, Exhalation 

Cory Prahl, Suburban Vistas